I became a Christian, much to my surprise, aged twenty whilst hitchhiking in Europe. Around the time of the Olympic Games I was in Munich, Germany and fell into conversation with some young believers. Always good with words, I easily held them at bay with my own ‘clever’ views and beliefs.
Yet, these people were my own age, and some of them had been into the same things that I was into at the time - the counter culture of alternative lifestyles, free love, eastern religion and philosophy and plentiful quantities of mind-altering substances. They spoke of the peace they had as believers in Jesus Christ. It was a peace that, irritatingly, showed in their faces. As I say, I batted their ideas away but behind my mask of confidence another conversation was going on. Eventually, rather like C.S. Lewis, I found myself faced with a decision. Knowing myself too well, I doubted I could keep up a Christian lifestyle, but was wisely told that God would help me. I decided to believe and it all kicked off from there. I have never regretted taking that step of faith. The reality of faith in Christ, which many cannot see, is that he walks with the believer powerfully guiding and enabling. We do not follow in our own strength, how could we? We walk with his strength within us.
I could go on at length but I’ll simply say this. In my faith I’ve been tested and tried, educated and grown, sometimes painfully, but I’ve never given up. The proof of the pudding, as they say, is in the eating. It’s been many years since that early awakening and God has never let me down. Although I have let him down many times. For nearly twenty years, sharing my faith was intrinsically linked to my career as a musician and singer. Then for another twenty I was a Church of England minister.
I recently heard Dolly Parton say something like: I’m not as good as I should be but I’m not as bad as I could be. I think that sums me up pretty well. I’d also like to say that, if my faith is a delusion, well, I’ve never found a better one. So, I’ll stick with it.
I am available to answer questions about why I am a Christian and my experiences in faith. Email me using the CONTACT page on this website with any sincere questions that you may have.
I will do my best to answer as helpfully as I can.
Understandably my work reflects the faith and values that give my life meaning. I’ve always tried to write heartfelt, honest songs and poems on a variety of subjects. Some have a clear Christian message but I don’t do propaganda. I have therefore written everything from romantic love songs and social comment to songs for congregations to sing.
Songs that may inspire your faith:
1982 Love & Let Live
1982 Love & Let Live
1982 Love & Let Live
1982 Love & Let Live
1982 Love & Let Live
1982 Love & Let Live
1982 Love & Let Live
1984 Believing is Seeing
1984 Believing is Seeing
1984 Believing is Seeing
1984 Believing is Seeing
1984 Believing is Seeing
1988 Promised Release
1988 Promised Release
1988 Promised Release
1988 Promised Release
Poems that may deepen your faith;
The Day Greets Us
One thing I know
Fidelity's Heart
In a Church Yard
Who Dictates?
Dying Young
More Miles to Go
A wind is blowing
Better Regions
All songs on the album PEACE are intended for use in Christian worship;
1995 Peace
1995 Peace
1995 Peace
1995 Peace
1995 Peace
1995 Peace
1995 Peace
1995 Peace
1995 Peace
1995 Peace
1995 Peace
2014 Unplugged Vol 1
2014 Unplugged Vol 1
2014 Unplugged Vol 1
2014 Unplugged Vol 1
2014 Unplugged Vol 1
2015 Unplugged Vol 2
2015 Unplugged Vol 2
2015 Unplugged Vol 2
2015 Unplugged Vol 2
2015 Unplugged Vol 2
Better Regions
Oh, but there are better regions
Wonders beyond this shoreline
Citadels of light, opalescent mountains
Where resolution dances
Ageless, flowing, unending
Dancing like a mother’s hands
Stand up, look out
Beyond the shore
Beyond this point
See our rubble
Redeemed in opulent light
© Stuart Penny Jan 2019
Some of the items on this website most clearly about the Christian life of faith are listed here (Click on the title to hear the songs):