Stuart Penny is a singer-songwriter, musician, artist and sometime poet.
Welcome to the home page. Click the buttons and you can listen to the commercially produced albums made some years ago and also to more recent ‘unplugged’ recordings.
You will also find poems (the secret vice), song lyrics, chord sheets and more. Hopefully, other content will be added as time goes by.
Having toured the UK, and beyond, from 1975 to 1997 I took twenty years off to do a ‘proper job’. I retired from that in 2017 and am now returning to former interests – writing songs, making music and painting pictures, in what I call my Garden Studio and my cheeky grown up daughter calls my Wendy House.
“Stuart can speak volumes in
one line where others
make one line into a volume.”
Strait Newspaper Review of ‘Love and Let Live’
So please enjoy your visit and if you want to be in contact with (polite) reactions to what you hear and see you can reach me at stuart@stuartpenny.net